About Randi

My Spiritual Journey began the summer of 2019. I was at my lowest. Renting weekly rooms, feeling like a failure as a mom, isolated from my family and friends, broken, no clue how to move forward. I was paralyzed by shame, unable to ask for help. Then I read an article that talked about healing crystals and how they can change your life. I didn’t really understand it at the time but something rang true…

I only had about $15 to my name, but I got on google and found a shop and off I went. I walked in and it smelled like magic. The oils, the herbs, the crystals, I was just completely in love. I found some $1 dollar crystals towards the back of the shop and was in heaven.

When I went to the cashier to purchase the crystals she put them in a singing bowl to cleanse them and my soul suddenly understood the meaning of nirvana. I was so excited. I knew something important had just happened.

Within a month of learning to use, cleanse and charge my crystals, major shifts started happening in my life. I felt happier and lighter. A friend offered to let me crash so I could save up. I got my own apartment. My job hired me on with a raise. I started to make healthier choices. Toxic people and patterns in my life started to fall away. Nothing has been the same since.

I have learned so much over the last two years. From loving myself as I am, to finally taking my power back in life. This is what led to me finding my passion for healing through my creations and energy.

It was a long Journey, but, Through all of this…. Randi’sRocks was born. More than a business, its a dream, and a chance to help others find their way.